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Rachel Elias Maisel Bukharian Textile Collection

The Rachel Elias Maisel Bukharian Textile Collection 


Bukaharian Jewish Textiles 

Dedicated by Dr. Harry Maisel in loving memory of Rachel Elias Maisel, z”l 

The righteous, even when they are not here with us, are still alive in profound ways.
Ray’s goodness and kindness and strength are eternal, and we are all better for it. 

– Rabbi Aaron Bergman 


Pieces from the Rachel Elias Maisel Bukharian textile collection are on loan from Jewish Historical Society of Michigan (JHSM).

Learn more at 


To celebrate this amazing exhibit, and to enrich our congregation’s knowledge of Jewish cultures around the world, Adat Shalom hosted scholar and artist-in-residence Ruben Shimonov November 22-24, 2024. Ruben’s approach emphasizes “Global Jewish Diversity,” which invites us to study Jewish culture as a plurality of experiences within the Jewish people. This weekend with Ruben elevates our congregational understanding of what it means to be part of Am Yisrael. – Rabbi Blair Nosanwisch