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Chesed Committee

Introducing the Chesed Committee of Adat Shalom

“On these three things the world stands. On Torah, on service, and on chesed, acts of loving-kindness.” (Pirkei Avot 1:2)

The Chesed Committee at Adat Shalom is a volunteer-led committee focused on fostering a compassionate, supportive, and giving community. Our goal is to support all the ways that Adat Shalom is a community of care. Some of the ways we do this are: delivering homemade challah to members who may be experiencing illness, injury, pain, or grief, as well as delivering baby baskets to members who are experiencing the joy of welcoming a new baby into their family.

The Chesed Committee is built on the important legacy of Tikkun Adat. Tikkun Adat was established in 2014 by Charlotte Dubin and Charm Levine with the intention of bringing the community together beyond the physical space of Adat Shalom. Tikkun Adat and now, the Chesed Committee, is generously supported by the Harold Dubin Memorial Tikkun Adat Fund.

By working together on these acts of chesed, we will collectively strengthen the bonds of our Adat Shalom community.

We would love the opportunity to include you in the Chesed Committee:

  • To volunteer to bake and deliver challah, sign up HERE or contact committee lead Lauren Acker
  • To volunteer to put together and deliver baby baskets, contact baby basket chairperson Julie Rosenbaum
  • If you would like to receive a homemade challah or a baby basket, please contact Rabbi Nosanwisch
  • If you’d like to get involved in this committee, contact committee lead Lauren Acker.


Pictured here are Marcia Garland, Charlotte Dubin, and Charm Levine, who have given so much to the legacy at Adat Shalom – through Tikkun Adat and beyond.


Thank you to the many volunteers who bake and deliver challah each week. Pictured is Ruth Zerin and the beautiful breads she prepared as part of our community of care.