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Family Programming

At Adat Shalom, we welcome the opportunity to provide a vibrant environment where Jewish families can come together to build new relationships with one another and with other families in programs that promote Jewish culture, values and traditions. We recognize that we have an abundance of Jewish role models and teachers in our midst, from our clergy and teachers to our parents. All seek to empower their Jewish families and communities to create meaningful Jewish family fun, memories and learning at home and in the synagogue.

Every week, Shabbat is for families at Adat Shalom, with childcare beginning at 9:30 a.m. and Mini-est Minyan plus 2Cool4Shul beginning at 10:30 a.m.

Within the Learning Community, family programs range from challah baking for chesed to teacher-led learning opportunities. We are also excited to begin family Israel-focused learning in our new Immersive Israel Playscape (opening fall 2024!).

For more information please contact the education office at 248.626.2153, ext 236

Endowed in memory of Oscar & Jeanette Cook