Adat Shalom is inviting you to our scheduled Zoom Video evening Minyan.
Zoom link for all morning and evening minyanim.
Meeting ID: 224 778 4919 | Passcode: 5782
Please contact us at the synagogue at 248-851-5100 with any questions or concerns or contact Michael Wolf on his cell phone at 248-660-5556.
The Rabbinical Assembly has provided a link to a digital version of Siddur Lev Shalom and Sim Shalom for Weekdays. In these extraordinary times, they are exploring ways to pray as a community while engaging in physical distancing.
Please use the Form to Download the E-Siddur from The Rabbinical Assembly
Shabbat (Saturday) 9 a.m.
Sunday – Friday 8 a.m.
National Holidays 8 a.m.
Weekday Evening Services
5:00 p.m. in November, December, January, February*
6:00 p.m. *March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October
*Check the calendar for specific dates and times.
Look for Candle Lighting and Shabbat Minchah/Maariv times on our calendar pages.
*Friday evening service times may vary during the summer. Please consult The VOICE.
Adat Shalom is a traditional egalitarian congregation. We are traditional in that the liturgy is presented mostly in Hebrew, with the triennial Torah portion chanted each week. We are egalitarian in that we provide equal opportunities for participation by men and women. While these values are present in our daily worship, they are truly highlighted in the Shabbat and festival services.
In Hebrew, only one day of the week merits a name. The other days are one, two, three etc. leading up to Shabbat, the highlight of the week, the pinnacle of creation. At Adat Shalom, Shabbat begins with a beautiful service of songs to mark the transition from the workweek to our day of sacred rest. On Saturday morning, we offer a variety of opportunities for worship and study, with the chanting of the weekly Torah portion central to our service. After services, we gather for a Kiddush reception featuring good food and company. Shabbat concludes with an evening service.
Each holiday is observed at Adat Shalom with the appropriate festivities, from the sounding of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah to the dancing Torah scrolls on Simchat Torah, to the silliness of Purim to the somber recollection of the destruction of Jerusalem on Tisha B’Av.
Our daily minyan meets in the Shiffman Chapel just across the Cantor Larry Vieder Foyer from our Main Chapel.
Perhaps the most soulful experience at Adat Shalom is the quiet and intimate gathering each morning and evening called the daily minyan. It does not boast ornate melodies or elaborate explanations. Yet the regular routine of gathering in prayer is the cornerstone of our community. Services are generally orchestrated by members of our clergy, but the prayers themselves are chanted by congregants. Some come to say Kaddish, but all experience the gentle pull of God’s presence as they make their way to the Shiffman Chapel in the early hours of the morning and at the end of the workday. Everyone is welcome to join us in prayer.