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Adat Shalom Sisterhood

To register, please visit the Sisterhood registration website


Sisterhood of Adat Shalom Committee Chairs

Book Club - Rachel Matz

Correspondence - Beverly Phillips

Feminist Torah Study - Phyllis Kessler

Gift Shop - Lillian Schostak and Carol Veider

Honey Sales - Lisa Betman

Kiddush Chair - Shannon Dickstein

Kiddush Servers - Charm Levine

Knitting circle - Bev Yost, Debby Portney

Kugel Making - Rena Tepman

Membership – Georgeann Edford

Programming - Margery Jablin 

Rosh Chodesh - Rochelle Lieberman

Scholarship - Harriet Dunsky and Cindy Posen

Sisterhood Shabbat - Sandi Matz and Sharon Kaplan 

Women’s Day @ Adat Shalom – Linda Levy


Contact Committee Chairs at

Part 1: Introduction to the class and Challah mixing process

Part 2: Learn how to braid the dough and useful suggestions for the final steps before baking your challah

The Sisterhood of Adat Shalom has been an integral affiliate of our synagogue for the past 70 years. We offer a variety of educational and innovative programs to fulfill our mission:

To further the spiritual and social interests of Adat Shalom members and to perpetuate Conservative Judaism in the home, synagogue and community.

Sisterhood provides Kiddush each Shabbat, has a beautiful Judaic gift shop, sponsors a book club, provides social action opportunities, offers camp scholarships through the Celia Schwartz 


hip Fund and Torah Fund, and brings the women of Adat Shalom together.

We are an inclusive sisterhood, offering the opportunity to share ideas and develop leadership skills.

We encourage every woman in our congregation to become a member of Sisterhood.  Your support and participation in Sisterhood activities help us continue to be an important part of Adat Shalom.  We want you to join us and look forward to seeing you at our programs this year!


We are an inclusive sisterhood, offering the opportunity to share ideas and develop leadership skills.

We encourage every woman in our congregation to become a member of Sisterhood. Your support and participation in Sisterhood activities help us continue to be an important part of Adat Shalom. We want you to join us and look forward to seeing you at our programs this year!

To get involved in Sisterhood, or for additional information please contact one of our co-leaders:

Sisterhood Co-Chairs,

Sharon Kaplan and Sandi Matz  |