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Sell your Chametz Online

Chametz is prohibited in the Torah during Pesach. For those who wish to adhere to this tradition, Adat Shalom will be happy to arrange for the contractual (virtual) sale of your chametz to a non-Jew for the duration of the holiday. According to this contract, your ownership of your chametz will end at 9am on 14 Nisan (April 22) and will be restored at 9:20pm on 22 Nisan (April 30).

You may arrange to sell your chametz beginning Monday, April 8, through 9am. on the morning of Monday, April 22.

To do so, complete the form below, or email Rabbi Nosanwisch ( with your name and address to be added to the contract. Call Rabbi Nosanwisch at 248-851-5100 with any questions.

It is customary, but not necessary, to make a contribution to the synagogue for requesting that we act as the agent for the sale of your chametz. If you wish to do so, we suggest a $20 donation to Adat Shalom’s Minyan Breakfast Fund.

Please complete the Chametz Sale form below:


Chametz Sale Form

Plus an additional to cover credit card fees.
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Donation Total: $20.00