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Learning and Engagement for 8-12 Graders

Overview, Registration, and Details for all Teen Opportunities

Eighth Grade Shabbaton November 15-16

8th Graders will have a fun-filled overnight exploring Israel in our new PlayScape, celebrating Shabbat, and building their connections to one another and Adat Shalom. Price and Details TBA • If your 8th grader wants to be on the planning committee, let us know!

Wednesday Wisdom with Rabbi Nosanwisch

Wisdom from our ancestors is sorely needed these days. In this weekly discussion, we will bring the text of Pirkei Avot (ethics of our ancestors) alive through lively discussion and study. We will work together to apply our ancestors’ ancient wisdom to our current lives and walk away with a stronger sense of who we are as Jewish people.

Wednesdays from 4:15 to 5pm Homework space available from 3pm
$180 per year includes materials and snacks (scholarship available)
Students who are interested can apply to be madrichim from 5 to 6:15pm

Register for Wednesday Wisdom here

Teen Trip (8-10 grade) 

Feb 28 to Mar 2*(dates subject to change)

Visiting another city is always a great experience, but going with your friends from Adat Shalom is an amazing opportunity. Pricing & details should be available in November.

Dual Enrollment Hebrew (9-12 grade) 

Earn high school and college credit simultaneously by taking Hebrew on Sunday evenings (5:30 to 7 p.m.). This fully accredited program will give you your high school language credits as well as transferable college credits. Michigan high schools contribute to some of the cost of tuition each semester, and limited additional scholarship is available.

More details and registration at

Better to Serve (8-12 grade)

Have fun, share meals, and volunteer with incredible adults who live in JARC group homes. Learn with peers from Adat Shalom and Kol Ami, educators and clergy and make the world a better place, one person at a time!  A partnership with Temple Kol Ami and support from the Shulman Millenium Fund make our program possible.

Saturday 9/21 •  9:30am to 3:30pm  • Kickoff Teen Shabbat @ Adat Shalom

10/27, 11/10, 12/15, 1/12, 2/2, 2/23, 3/9, 4/6 • 12:15 to 2pm / locations TBA

More details and registration at 

Madrichim – Leadership and Learning (8-12 grade)

Be a classroom assistant, and learn what it means to become a Jewish leader through our program of training and practical application. You will be assigned to a classroom or a student as a buddy, and take part in regular training during school hours. Madrichim may work on Sundays and/or Wednesdays. High schoolers may opt for volunteer hours, a stipend, or a combination of the two. Space is limited. This program is a blend of formal training and real-life experience and is supervised by both Jodi Gross and Melissa Ser. 

More details and application at